Wednesday, February 7, 2007

How much time with your kid is enough?

Taken from

There's a fascinating discussion going on at the Wall Street Journal blog The Juggle about how much time working parents can and/or should spend with their kids. Is one hour per day enough? Two? I've been reading the comments, many of which reflect people's own experiences as children, compared and/or contrasted to how they've chosen to raise their own children. So enlightening. I was heartened to see several people use the acronym SAHP: stay-at-home parent. Also, one quote I had to pull out, by a commenter named Dorothy Parker:
As always with raising children, there is no right or wrong, only consequences.

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Posted by Asha Dornfest on Feb 03, 2007

Blogger's Note:
Time with your children has as much to do with your priorities in life as anything else. Granted, I am lucky to work for a company that is family friendly. However if my company wasn't I wouldn't be working here. I place my wife and daughter above all else including work. Maybe I have that luxury because my work is in high demand (I'm a software engineer). Nonetheless, I still believe in the adage that "You work to live, not live to work". Any of us could die tomorrow and not have done the things that really mattered. Spend and cherish your time with your family. They are much more difficult to replace than your job.

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